








目前国内有用TPE热塑性弹性为原料来生产止血带。TPE为热塑性的材料,具有接近橡胶的弹性,属于配混型橡塑材料。TPE止血带材料生产出的止血带表面爽滑细腻、有皮肤质感,拉伸强度高、止血效果好,而且TPE止血带材料生产出的止血带弹性好,拉伸变形小,生产效率高(橡胶材料生产止血带的时间是TPE止血带材料的3倍),易上色。 At present domestic useful TPE thermoplastic elastic as raw material to produce a tourniquet. TPE thermoplastic material, close to the rubber elasticity, belongs to mixed type of rubber and plastic materials. , TPE material to produce a tourniquet smooth surface, the skin texture, high tensile strength, good hemostatic effect, and, TPE material to produce a tourniquet has good elasticity, tensile deformation is small, high production efficiency (rubber material in the production of a tourniquet time is 3 times of that of the TPE tourniquet), easy coloring. 特殊配混型号的TPE止血带材料是专业纳米抗菌配方,瞬间杀灭99%的常见细菌,不含特殊蛋白质,并且充分考虑与人皮肤接触的安全性,不仅不会对特殊群体产生过敏反应,而且具有优异的弹性恢复性,或者说收缩性。 Special mixing models of TPE materials is a professional nanometer antibacterial formula, instantly kill 99% of the common bacteria, excluding special protein, and give full consideration to the safety of skin contact with people, not only for special groups produce allergic reaction, but also has excellent elastic recovery, or shrinkage. TPE止血带材料的应用近年来日益成熟,TPE止血带材料的优良的环保无毒性能已经得到该产业链人士的认可,同时TPE止血带材料是完全符合食品、医疗、FDA标准。而且经过医疗行业相关标准测试,无气味,作为医疗垃圾高温焚烧后几乎无污染,也不会像PVC材料那样产生大量致癌物二噁英。TPE止血带材料可以与人体皮肤长期接触,没有过敏反应。 TPE tourniquet application of materials in recent years, increasingly mature, TPE tourniquet material excellent environmental non-toxic performance has been recognized by the people in the industry chain, at the same time TPE tourniquet material is completely in line with food, medical treatment, the FDA standards. And after the medical industry standards and testing, no smell, as almost no pollution after high temperature medical waste incineration, also don't like the PVC material to produce large amounts of carcinogenic dioxins. TPE can tourniquet materials with human skin contact for a long time, no allergic reaction.
