







1.上止血带前,应先将伤肢抬高,促使其中静脉血液流回体内,从而减少血液丢失。 1. A tourniquet on before, should first leg up, prompting the venous blood flow back to the body, thus reducing the loss of blood.   2.上止血带的位置应在有效止血的前提下,尽量靠近出血部位。但在上臂中段禁止使用止血带,因为该处有桡神经从肱骨表面通过,止血带的压迫可造成桡神经损伤,进而使前臂以下的功能日后难以恢复。 2. The location of a tourniquet on should be on the premise of effective hemostasis, close to bleeding. But on the upper arm midway forbids the use of a tourniquet, because there have radial nerve from the surface of the humerus, through, tourniquet of oppression can result in radial nerve damage, and then make the function of forearm under the future is difficult to recover.   3.止血带不能直接绑在肢体上,准备上止血带的部位应先垫一层敷料、毛巾等柔软的布垫,用以保护皮肤。 3. A tourniquet cannot be directly tied to the body and preparation on the part of the tourniquet should be mat layer dressings, towels and other soft cloth pad, to protect the skin.   4.用毛巾、大手帕等现场制作的布性止血带时,应先将其叠成长条状,宽约5厘米,以便受力均匀。严禁使用电线、铁丝、细绳等过细而且无弹性物品充作止血带,因为这些物品不仅止血效果不理想而且还损伤皮肤,为日后的治疗和康复带来麻烦。 4. With a towel and bandana, on-site production of cloth tourniquet, should be the first fold slits, about 5 cm wide, so that the force evenly. Wire, iron wire, cord is strictly prohibited items carefully and inelastic as a tourniquet, because these goods hemostatic effect is not ideal but also damage the skin, not only for the treatment and rehabilitation of trouble in the future.   5.绑止血带时其松紧度以刚压住动脉出血为宜。上带过紧易造成止血带处的皮肤、神经、血管和肌肉的损伤,甚至引起肢体远端的坏死,不利于今后伤肢的功能恢复;上带过松只压住静脉未压住动脉,血液只出不进,不仅达不到止血目的反而加重出血。上带成功的标准是,远端动脉性出血停止、动脉搏动消失、肢端变白。 5. Its elasticity while tied a tourniquet with just pin artery bleeding advisable. With tight of the tourniquet in damage to the skin, nerves, blood vessels and muscles, and even cause body distal necrosis, is not conducive to the injured limb functional recovery in the future; Belt too loose on venous pressure not only pressure arteries, the blood not only leave, in short of hemostatic purpose not only aggravate bleeding. With the standard of success is, distal artery hemorrhages stop, pulses disappear, acromegaly turned white.   6.上止血带的伤员要有明显标志,并在止血带附近或皮肤上明确写上上带时间。为防止伤肢缺血坏死,每隔40~60分钟放松止血带l~2分钟,松带时动作要缓慢,同时需要指压伤口以减少出血。如果伤员全身状况差,伤口大,出血量多,可适当延长放松止血带的时间间隔。但是止血带使用的总时间不能超过5小时,否则远端肢体难以存活。若已超过9小时伤员仍在运往医院的途中,则此后不再定时放松止血带,因其远端肢体已无生存的可能。坏死的细胞会释放出钾离子、肌红蛋白和肽类等有毒物质。肢体此时如果松解,这些有毒物质将随静脉流入全身,产生中毒,可导致心跳骤停而突然死亡。与此道理相同,在地震灾区急救时,如果伤员的肢体被埋压的时间过长,因缺血缺氧已发生组织坏死,为防止毒素回流全身,应迅速将被压肢体用止血带结扎,再清除被压物体,然后送医院作近一步处理。 6. A tourniquet on the wounded to have obvious signs, and on the skin near the tourniquet or write clearly take time. In order to prevent the injury of limb ischemia necrosis, every 40 ~ 60 minutes to relax tourniquet l ~ 2 minutes, take action to slow, at the same time need to press the wound to reduce bleeding. If the injured body condition is poor, the wound is large, what was the amount of bleeding, the time interval can be appropriately extended relax tourniquet. But a tourniquet use the total time can't more than five hours, otherwise the distal limb is difficult to survive. If more than nine hours the injured is still on the way to hospital, is no longer time to relax tourniquet, since because of its distal limb there is no survival. Necrotic cells can release potassium, myoglobin and peptide and other toxic substances. Body if release at this time, these toxic substances will along with the vein into the body, produce poisoning, which can lead to cardiac arrest and sudden death. Same with the truth, when the earthquake emergency, if the injured limb is bury the time is too long, because of ischemia hypoxia has tissue necrosis, to prevent the reverse flow of toxins from the body, the pressure will be quickly body should use a tourniquet ligation, then cleared by object, and then to a hospital for further processing.