







1、酒精、碘酒、无菌持物镊及容器每周消毒更换一次,酒精、碘酒密封保存,无菌持物镊浸泡于2%戊二醛消毒液中,持物镊与盛器相符,须浸没持物镊的1/2或2/3,持物镊应浸没关节处。注明有效期,责任人签名。门诊换药室或使用较多的部门,应每日清洁消一次; 1, alcohol, iodine, sterile forceps and containers disinfection change once a week, alcohol, iodine seal save, sterile holding forceps soaking in 2% glutaraldehyde disinfectant, holding forceps consistent with container, must be submerged holding forceps 1/2 or 2/3 of the tweezers should be submerged joints. The term of validity is indicated. The outpatient department or the department that USES more, should clean daily to eliminate once; 2、不能高压灭菌的器械,用于无菌操作时,用2%戊二醛消毒液浸泡10小时(禁用),2%戊二醛两周更换,容器灭菌处理。浸泡消毒时要求浸没器械,关节打开,盖上注明有效期,责任人签字; 2. Sterilized equipment can not be sterilized. When used for aseptic operation, it can be soaked with 2% glutaraldehyde disinfectant for 10 hours (disabled), 2% glutaraldehyde is replaced in two weeks, and the container is sterilized and treated. When soaking disinfection, it is required to immerse the instrument and open the joint. 3、止血带:一人一用一消毒,浸泡于含有效氯1000mg/L的消毒液浸泡4小时,每三天更换一次,每天监测浓度,添加消毒片; 3. Tourniquet: one person is sterilized and soaked in a disinfectant soaked in effective chlorine 1000 mg/L for 4 hours, change every three days, monitor concentration daily, and add disinfection tablets; 4、吸引器引流瓶:使用后即用含有效氯1000~2000mg/L的消毒液浸泡1小时(包括连接管),干燥保存,每周消一次; Attractor flask: soak 1 hour (including connecting tube) in a disinfectant with a valid chlorine 1000 ~ 2000mg/L, dry and once a week. 5、血压计,听诊器:每周用含有效氯1000mg/L的消毒液揩擦,并保持清洁; 5. Blood pressure gauge, stethoscope: apply the disinfectant wipe with effective chlorine 1000 mg/L per week and keep it clean; 6、热水袋、沙袋:使用后即时用含有效氯1000mg/L的消毒液揩擦,清洁备用; 6. Hot water bags and sandbags: wipe with the disinfectant with effective chlorine 1000 mg/L immediately after use and clean the spare;