







止血带止血注意事项有哪些 What are the precautions for tourniquet hemostasis 1、止血带止血注意事项有哪些 1. What are the precautions for tourniquet hemostasis 1.1、止血带绕扎部位 1.1, tourniquet ligation site 扎止血带的标准位置在上肢为上臂上1/3,下肢为股中、下1/3交界处。目前有人主张把止血带扎在紧靠伤口近侧的健康部位,有利于最大限度地保存肢体。上臂中、下1/3部扎止血带容易损伤桡神经,应视为禁区。 The standard location of the tourniquet is 1/3 on the upper arm, and the lower extremities at the middle and lower 1/3 junction. At present, it is advocated that the tourniquet is attached to the healthy part close to the wound, which is conducive to the maximum preservation of the limbs. The tourniquet in the middle and lower 1/3 of the upper arm can easily damage the radial nerve, which should be regarded as a restricted area. 1.2、上止血带的松紧要合适 1.2. The tightness of the upper tourniquet should be appropriate 压力是使用止血带的关键问题之一。止血带的松紧,应该以出血停止、远端以不能摸到脉搏为度。过松时常只压住静脉,使静脉血液回流受阻,反而加重出血。 Stress is one of the key problems in the use of a tourniquet. The tightness of tourniquet should be stopped by bleeding, and the distal end should not be able to touch the pulse. Too much loosening often only presses the vein, causing the venous blood to flow back blocked and aggravates bleeding. 2、止血带有何种类 2, hemostasis with what kind of 2.1、橡皮管止血带:常用弹性较大的橡皮管,便于急救时使用。 2.1, rubber tourniquet: commonly used elastic rubber tube, easy to use in first aid. 2.2、弹性橡皮带(驱血带):用宽约5cm的弹性橡皮带,抬高患肢,在肢体上重叠加压,包绕几圈,以达到止血目的。 2.2, elastic rubber band (blood drive band): use elastic elastic tape of 5cm width, raise the affected limb, overlap pressure on the limbs, wrap around several circles to achieve the purpose of hemostasis. 2.3、充气止血带:压迫面宽而软,压力均匀,还有压力表测定压力,比较安全,常用于四肢活动性大出血或四肢手术时采用。 2.3, inflatable tourniquet: the pressure is wide and soft, the pressure is uniform, and the pressure gauge is used to determine the pressure. It is more safe. It is often used when the extremities are massive bleeding or the extremities operation. 3、止血带有何使用误区 3, hemostasis with the misuse of misuse 3.1、肱骨及股骨中下段手术中,为减少出血,往往需要无菌止血带,由主刀医生在手术台上捆扎,因而致使止血带的松紧度没有保证,充气量也无法确定,造成出血,甚至出现皮肤坏死及神经麻痹等并发症; 3.1. In the operation of the humerus and the middle and lower part of the femur, a aseptic tourniquet is often needed to reduce the bleeding, which is tied up by the surgeon on the operating table. Therefore, the tightness of the tourniquet is not guaranteed, the volume of the aeration is also undetermined, causing bleeding, even skin necrosis and nerve numbness, and so on. 3.2、驱赶血液时,驱血带每周圈间都留有大小不等的距离,形成间断驱血,效果极差; 3.2, when the blood is expelled, there is a distance between the blood strip and the circle every week, which leads to intermittent blood drive and the effect is very poor. 3.3、驱血时用力不匀,一绕一缓,不能持续用力,止血效果差; 3.3. When the blood is expulsion, the force is not uniform. Once it is rolled around, it can not continue to exert force. 3.4、肱骨中段手术中,为减少出血,使用小儿无菌止血带止血,因气囊短而窄,达不到压迫止血的目的,反而出血更多。 3.4, in the middle part of the humerus, in order to reduce bleeding, the use of child aseptic tourniquet to stop bleeding, because the air bag is short and narrow, can not achieve the purpose of compression hemostasis, but bleeding more.