







一人一用一废弃,有效避免交叉感染 One person discarded one by one to effectively avoid cross infection 止血带一般在输液、抽血等医疗过程中使用,传统的止血带由于医院患者人流量大等因素,根本来不及消毒就反复使用,一定程度上加大了交叉感染的风险。而全国好的一次性止血带实现了一人一用一废弃的使用模式,有效避免了患者之间疾病的交叉感染。 The tourniquet is usually used in the medical process, such as infusion, blood pumping, and so on. The traditional tourniquet is used repeatedly because of the large flow of people in the hospital, and the risk of cross infection is increased to a certain extent. The national disposable disposable tourniquet has realized the use mode of "one person, one use and one waste", and effectively avoided the cross infection between patients. 使用方便,能够有效提高工作效率 It is convenient to use and can effectively improve the efficiency of work 传统止血带需要人工系紧,如果捆绑不够牢固时就会出现反复捆绑的操作,不仅浪费时间,也会耽误患者的就诊时间。而一次性止血带可以轻松便捷地实现捆、系等操作,能够有效提高医生抽血、输液扎针的工作效率,同时也免除患者等待的时间,甚至可以消除一些患者因为等待而导致的恐惧心理。 The traditional tourniquet needs to be fastened manually. If the binding is not strong enough, it will be tied up again and again. It will not only waste time, but also delay the patient's visit time. And the disposable tourniquet can easily and easily realize the operation of bales and lines. It can effectively improve the working efficiency of the doctor's blood pumping, the transfusion and needle, and also avoid the waiting time of the patients, and can even eliminate the fear caused by the waiting. 能够减少使用含氯制剂的消毒环节,增强职业防护 Can reduce the use of chlorine containing disinfection links, enhance occupational protection. 传统止血带若需要消毒,则往往会使用含氯制剂。而这类制剂有一定的毒性,对医护工作者身体有一定的伤害。受人认可的一次性止血带的优点在这里也能明显体现,其实现一用一废弃,省去了消毒环节,自然也就增强了职业的防护。 If a traditional tourniquet is to be sterilized, chlorine preparations are often used. This kind of preparation has certain toxicity, and it has certain harm to the health workers. The advantages of the disposable tourniquet, which is recognized by the people, can also be clearly shown here. In fact, a discarding link is eliminated and the occupational protection is enhanced naturally.