








医用止血带是一种具有弹性的捆绑扎带,在四肢大出血急救时用这种弹性扎带捆绑弹于四肢指定位置(大腿上部,手臂腋下附近),达到暂时止血,为手术赢得时间的目的。 Medical tourniquet is a kind of elastic binding tie, when limb hemorrhage emergency with the elastic band to play in the limbs specified location (near the upper thighs, arms armpit), to temporarily stop bleeding, for the purpose of the operation to win time. 以往国内医院使用的胶管型止血带,存在交叉使用,反复使用,保管随意,不消毒或消毒不彻或消毒闇隔过长等普遍现象,造成止血带污染严重等共性问题。 Previous domestic hospitals use a tourniquet hose type, cross use, repeated use, custody at random, not disinfection disinfection not church or disinfection at the dark too long, a common phenomenon, cause a tourniquet common problems such as severe pollution. 止血带的分类 The classification of the tourniquet 目前,常见的医用止血带,主要有两大类,一类是采用医用高分子材料天然橡胶或特种橡胶精制而成止血带料,另一类是现在最新的一种TPE止血带料 At present, the common medical tourniquet, basically has two kinds, one kind is with medical polymer materials refined from natural rubber or special rubber tourniquet, another kind is now one of the newest kinds of TPE tourniquet 医用止血带的应用对比 The application of medical tourniquet 1、传统的医用止血带是采用医用高分子材料天然橡胶或特种橡胶精制而成,表面呈乳白色,长条扁平型,点连叠型装盒,伸缩性强,可连续性抽取。 适用于医疗机构在常规治疗及救治中输液、抽血、输血,止血时一次性使用;或肢体出血、野外蛇虫咬伤出血时的应急止血。但作为橡胶制品,经常会存在特殊人群对橡胶的过敏反应。 1, the traditional medical tourniquet is used special medical polymer materials natural rubber or rubber refined but become, the surface has milk-white, strip flat, point type folding boxes, strong scalability, can be continuous extraction. Applicable to medical institutions in the conventional treatment and treatment of infusion, blood, blood transfusion, hemostatic disposable; Or body bleeding, the wild snake insect bite bleeding when emergency stop bleeding. But as rubber products, special groups always appear in the allergic reaction of rubber. 2、TPE止血带料,具有接近橡胶的弹性,以SEBS为基础,属于配混型橡塑材料.特殊配混的TPE材料具有优异的弹性恢复性,并且充分考虑与人皮肤接触的安全性。TPE的应用近年来日益成熟,TPE的优良的环保无毒性能已经得到该产业链人士的认可,而经过医疗行业相关标准测试,因为SEBS不含蛋白质,人体皮肤可以长期与TPE材料接触,而且不会产生特殊人群对特殊蛋白质的过敏反应,特殊型号是专业纳米抗菌配方,瞬间杀灭99%的常见细菌。也有一些TPE弹性体企业的医用止血带的安全标准完全符合食品、医疗、FDA标准。雄亚塑胶专业生产TPE止血带料 2, TPE tourniquet material, has the close to the rubber elasticity, on the basis of SEBS, belongs to mixed type of rubber and plastic materials. Special mixing TPE material has excellent elastic recovery, and give full consideration to the safety of skin contact with people. Application of TPE in recent years, increasingly mature, TPE excellent environmental non-toxic performance has been recognized by the people in the industry chain, and after the medical industry standards and testing, because the SEBS do not contain protein, the body skin can contact with TPE material for a long time, and won't produce special groups for special protein allergic reaction, special type is the specialized nanometer antibacterial formula, instantly kill 99% of the common bacteria. There are also some medical tourniquet TPE elastomer enterprise security standards in full compliance with food, medical treatment, the FDA standards. The male and the plastic specializing in the production of TPE tourniquet