








止血带充气前应先抬高肢体,驱血带驱血彻底后,再将止血带的通气管接于压气表上,缓慢将气打入止血带内。上肢压力成人不超过40.0kPa(300mmHg),小儿不超过26.7kPa(200mmHg),下肢压力成人不超过80kPa(600mmHg),小儿不超过33.3kPa(250mmHg)。 Before the tourniquet is inflated, should raise the limb first, drive the blood to drive the blood to drive the blood thoroughly, then the ventilator tube of the tourniquet will be connected to the pressure gas watch, slowly turn the gas into the tourniquet. No more than 40.0 kPa (300mmHg), no more than 26.7 kPa (200mmHg), no more than 80kPa (600mmHg) and no more than 33.3 kPa (250mmHg). 准确记录气压止血带充气时间,上肢以1h,下肢以1.5h为限,时间到时,需提前通知手术医生做好放气准备,如需继续使用,应先放气5~10min后再充气并重新记录时间。 Accurate records pneumatic tourniquet aeration time, upper limbs to 1 h, lower limb is limited to 1.5 h, time, then need to inform the surgeon prepared to deflate, if you want to continue to use, should be deflated inflatable again after 5 ~ 10 min and recording time again. 松止血带时,放气要缓慢,以免血压急剧下降引起休克。手术完毕去除止血带后,检查病人皮肤有无损伤,必要时局部按摩数分钟。 When the band is loose, the air should be released slowly, so as not to cause shock with a precipitous drop in blood pressure. After surgical removal of the tourniquet, check the patient's skin for damage and massage for several minutes if necessary. 止血带的使用误区 Myth of the use of tourniquet 1 手术台上捆扎的误区 The mistake of strapping on the operating table (1)肱骨及股骨中下段手术中,为减少出血,往往需要无菌止血带,由主刀医生在手术台上捆扎,因而致使止血带的松紧度没有保证,充气量也无法确定,造成出血,甚至缆接地箱 隔离墩模具 保定电动门 铜狮子 u型槽模具 SMT贴片焊接 收费岛模具 水泥井模具出现皮肤坏死及神经麻痹等并发症; (1) the humerus and femur in the middle period of operation, in order to reduce bleeding, and often require aseptic tourniquet, by the surgeon on the operating table strapping, thus causing a tourniquet firmness not guaranteed, your also not sure, cause bleeding, appear even skin necrosis and complications such as nerve palsy; (2)驱赶血液时,驱血带每周圈间都留有大小不等的距离,形成间断驱血,效果极差; (2) when the blood is expelled, the circulation of the blood drive is not equal to the size of the circle. (3)驱血时用力不匀,一绕一缓,不能持续用力,止血效果差; (3) when the blood pressure is not uniform, it can not be sustained and the effect is poor. (4)肱骨中段手术中,为减少出血,使用小儿无菌止血带止血,因气囊短而窄,达不到压迫止血的目的,反而出血更多。 (4) the humerus middle in the operation, in order to reduce bleeding, use sterile tourniquets, pediatric for airbag short, narrow and reach the purpose of oppression hemostasis, instead more bleeding.
