







1. 根据患者的年龄,体重,手术部位是上肢或下肢选用合适的袖带(上肢:短、窄;下肢:长、宽)。 1. According to the patient's age, weight, the operative site is the upper extremity or lower limb with the appropriate cuff (upper extremity: short, narrow; Lower limbs: long, wide. 2. 袖带不能直接接触皮肤,而应用棉纸覆盖在皮肤表面,然后绑袖带。 2. The cuff cannot reach the skin directly, and the application of cotton paper covers the skin surface and then ties the cuff. 3. 选择缚扎部位上肢应在肱骨上1/3段;下肢在大腿根部(因上肢避开了桡神经,下肢容易直接压迫股动脉,但也有报道认为对于下肢远端的手术,止血带的袖带越宽,四肢的周径越小,阻断血流所需的压力就越低,使用者就越舒适,因此建议足趾手术时,止血带最好放置在踝上方) 3. Select the upper extremity of the binding site should be 1/3 of the humerus; Lower limbs in the thigh root (for upper limb to avoid the radial nerve, easy to direct pressure stocks lower limb artery, but there have also been reported for lower limb surgery, on the far side of a tourniquet cuff is wider, limbs weeks size is smaller, blocking blood flow to the required pressure, the lower the user is more comfortable, it is recommended that during the operation of digit tourniquet is best placed above the ankle) 4. 接通气管,检查接头处是否衔接紧密、袖带内气囊是否漏气。 4. Connect the airway to check whether the connection is tightly connected and the air bag inside the cuff is leaking. 5. 设定压力值:为了避免局部组织损伤及神经干挤压伤,同时又要达到理想的止血目的,止血带的设定压力要根据局部组织薄厚、患者年龄、肢体周径大小及局部动脉收缩压而定。上肢为收缩压的1.5倍,下肢为收缩压的2倍 5. Set pressure value: in order to avoid local tissue injury and nerve crush injury, at the same time to achieve the ideal hemostatic purpose, tourniquet set pressure according to local tissue thick diameter week, patient age, body size and local artery systolic blood pressure. The upper extremities are 1.5 times the systolic pressure and the lower extremities are 2 times the systolic pressure 6. 设定时间:上肢一般不超过60 min,下肢不超过90 min。若手术时间长,则应让肢体恢复血流10~15 min,然后再阻断。 6. Setting time: the upper extremity shall not exceed 60 min, and the lower extremity shall not exceed 90 min. If the operation is long, the limb should be restored for 10 to 15 minutes and then blocked. 7. 加压:止血带加压前,先将肢体抬高3 min左右,加速静脉血回流,以减少肢体血量。 7. Pressure: before the tourniquet is pressurized, lift the limb up to about 3 minutes, and accelerate the recirculation of the venous blood to reduce the amount of blood. 8. 及时记录充气时间,术中注意加强对患者呼吸、循环功能的监测。 8. Record the time of inflation in time, and observe the monitoring of respiratory and circulatory functions in patients.